Monday, March 21, 2011

Gettysburg Address

 Why do you think Lincoln's speech is famous today?


  1. I think it is still famous today because now we want to know about such an important speech in America's history, by, in my opinion, one of the best presidents in our history. Also it tells what terrible feelings people in that time must have been going through.

  2. This speech is famous today because I think it is still something people will refer to for reference, or so that people can become better people and have a bigger appreciation for our world. Even though this speech is rather short it still has a big impact on our community.

  3. Lincoln's speech is famous today because his speech is one of the reasons why there is no more slavery. Because of his speech, African-Americans are free to be whoever or whatever they want to be. For example, Barack Obama is now president, but a long time ago he would have been owned by a Master, and he would not even be able to get a good paying job or a job at all. That is why I think people remember and love Lincoln's speech today.

  4. I think Lincoln's speech is still famous today because it was a big part of American history. He recognized the dead people that died for the war, and said that the Civil War was not only for the union, but for equal rights for everyone.

  5. In my opinion, the Gettysburg Address is still famous today because it honored the brave soldiers who gave their lives during the Civil War, and it played a huge role in changing American history. Also, it gives you a sense of the sorrow and pain that the Civil War caused many people. It proves that our country values our rights and cares about our soldiers and citizens.

  6. I think Lincoln’s speech is famous today because it was an important part in American History. Lincoln remembered all those men who gave their lives for their country. African Americans are now free to be what they wanted or want to be.
