Thursday, December 9, 2010

Coolest Inventions of 2010

Your TFK highlights the "Coolest Inventions of 2010". Read about Robo-Teachers on page four. Do you think robots could replace human teachers one day?


  1. I think with the technology we have today and with a lot of research, teachers may be able to be replaced with robots. I think it would be very strange and if there was a vote, I would vote against it. I sure hope they don't replace Melissa and Megan!

  2. No, a robot doesn't have the personal toch. It can't soothe a crying child; it can't resolve arguments very well, and the last time I checked, their hands aren't neccessarily convenient. Also, robots don't have emotions, which could be bad in many cases, and they wouldn't be much help in an emergency. Plus, nobody I know wants their children in the hands of an artificial human. And besides, who wants a robot teacher anyway? Not me.

  3. I don't think robots will ever replace teachers, but I do think that they will get more popular and sell at some stores.

  4. I think that scientists might think that robotic teachers are better and maybe a little bit faster. I don't agree with that and don't want that either. It would be kind of creepy too.

  5. Maybe... but I think that you guys are way better than robots!

  6. Maybe they could replace human teachers but not anytime soon.
    The thing about human teachers is that they arre a lot more intelligent.

  7. It's true that robots can take over teaching if the people that made them were smart enough. It would be sorta cool to have one as a teacher. However, I like having a relationship with my teachers. I enjoy their jokes, how they give us extra recess, and take us to fun field trips. Robots have no feelings...Melissa and Megan have feelings and that is nice.

  8. No because if it short-circuits the kids would miss school until it is repaired or replaced.

  9. Robots could one day POSSIBLY take over the job of teachers, and if they do it won't be for a long time. It must take a lot of money to build them and to be able to fill in all of the teachers positions will cost the US tons of money. Hopefully Barack Obama, our current president, will not waste all of that money on robot teachers. And to be frank, REAL teachers are much more practical and better than robots. Plus, teachers earn money for doing their job. They will loose their work and now with the bad economy, it's difficult to find new work. In short, I don't think that we will have robot teachers in the future, but that also depends on what types of presidents we will have in the future.

  10. Maybe they COULD, but I don't think that it's a good idea because robots are not the same as humans.

  11. Yes, because if they can be as smart as your everyday teacher they could teach. Also, they have the advantage of being able to not get tired.

  12. I think all of those one day are just going to break down and do something freaky so no I don't think they can replace teachers, especially my teachers.
